user5842 in  
Software Engineer  

I created another LeetCode list to add to your study plan

I’ve been doing daily LeetCode sessions for the past 3 weeks and I realized that even easy questions offer great value.

I started curating my own list (yes I know, another list) of questions which I consider high quality questions. The questions are paired with a link to the LeetCode site, a spoiler free topics details pane, and a link to the clip of the stream I did with that question.

Currently, the list contains only Easy questions because I’ve been doing every LeetCode question from the beginning. I’m about 140 questions in and there are nearly 600 easies to complete 😅

The list will evolve and I will continue adding to it. I also hope the community does the same as I’ve opened source the website.

I’d love any feedback the community has. I truly hope this helps in your journey as I know what it’s like to feel like you can’t do these questions.

Check it out

Rafael's List
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user5842Software Engineer  
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Software Engineer

