ttt67 in
Computer Science
GF Refuses to apply for jobs
I'm a current medical student about to start residency. My gf of 7 years has a cs degree from Cornell, yet she refuses to apply for cs jobs. She had no cs internships while at Cornell and has 0 connections. Her previous job was at the us patent office where she was fired for low production. She was fired about 1.5 years ago and has not been doing any job searching at all. What is the next best course of action? I'm tired of her free loading and I'm sorry if this post is too blunt. I've tried to get her to see a psychiatrist because she obviously has some psychiatric issues but she also refuses. I'm at my wits end.

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Kratos200Full Stack
Damn… this is wholesome af. I’m really surprised your girl stuck around. You’re really lucky to have found a girl like that. Most hot girls will dump a guy if he’s being a wuss.
Why did she stick around? Honestly she sounds like a beautiful human and wife and I hope you appreciate and treat her with love and give her massages for sticking through the toughest period in your life
Why did she stick around? Honestly she sounds like a beautiful human and wife and I hope you appreciate and treat her with love and give her massages for sticking through the toughest period in your life
My then gf, now wife stuck around and I managed to get out through therapy and a lot of small steps. It wasn’t a dead end for me, but it was a really lengthy process so it’s up to you to decide if you’d be willing to do the same.