Bunghole in
Data Science at University of Maryland Global Campus
Grad Degree in DS or Switch Paths Altogether for Better Job Prospects?
Hey everyone! I'm a 30-year-old stay-at-home parent in the final year of my data science undergrad at UMGC. I've got 3 years of SIGINT analyst experience and 4 years in logistics management, both from military service. My wife works full-time earning $70k/yr. Though it keeps the lights on, it's a stretch with bills, student loans, and rising rent. Over the past year, I've been scouring job listings in DS, AI, ML, and data engineering. Unfortunately nearly 90% of "entry-level" positions I've come across demand 2-3 years experience or a Master's degree. The remaining 10% offer salaries that don't align with the cost of living (think $70k in the Boston metro). Financially, we can't bear a low entry salary. So, I'm at a crossroads: Should I capitalize on the 20 months I have left on my GI bill for a grad degree in DS or pivot to a tech degree, like CS? I'm even considering transferring to WGU or a similar program to expedite an undergrad and possibly snatch a quick Master's. What's your take? Would love to hear your insights and suggestions!

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19g615l09sosqxSoftware Engineer
In my opinion software engineering degree will give you more options. For AI/ML you want a PHD.
grantData Scientist
I disagree with the latter bit. It helps if you want specifically to be an AI/ML researcher, but I’ve worked with many Senior+ data science and ML people without a PhD.