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How to navigate a rehire?
I was laid off late last year. Finding another job was rough. I had to take a huge paycut but I've been working at a company that seems more stable for a few months now.
A few days ago an executive at the company that laid me off reached out and seems to be pushing for me to come back as part of a new project that needs my skillset.
Here are a few questions that I have:
- Does it still look bad to hop after a few months if I'm returning to a previous employer?
- How do I handle the elephant in the room? They laid me off and I'm going to need some assurance that it won't happen again. Should I ask for something like 6 months of guaranteed severance?
- Should I sidestep these issues by pushing for them to bring me on as a contractor? The work they want me to do is in a totally different timezone so I could easily work my current position and contract for them without an overlap.
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YUHIYOLSoftware Engineer
I'd say it doesn't look bad if you're hopping back to your previous employer after only a few months. I think most recruiters/hiring managers would understand that move. You could also just opt to leave off that short job from your resume and tell them you were looking for work for a while after being laid off.
I'd definitely encourage trying to negotiate. Depending on the company, you may or may not be able to negotiate the severance, but it's worth a shot just for the justification you already laid out. If they can't negotiate severance, then I say just try to negotiate for a way higher cash bonus, that way your comp isn't tied to too much equity.
If you want, you could see if they'd be open to having you as a contractor, it might work best for them too. The biggest thing to consider will probably any tax implications on your end whether or not it makes sense.
asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfSite Reliability (SRE)
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I appreciate your advice. :)