raindeer21Sav in
Computer Science
Career advice (please help)
Im transferring to Virginia Tech next semester, and while my parents want to cover the costs, they dont make much. I enjoy Computer Science and want to pursue it, but a lot of my friends have dropped the major out of fear of not finding a job. Since my family cant afford for me to make the wrong decision, Ive been researching whether CS is still worth it, but I keep seeing mixed answers. Id really appreciate advice from someone with experience, should I stick with CS, or would switching to another major be a smarter choice in terms of job prospects?

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Reach out to the career center at Virginia Tech - helping you decide what major and career you want to pursue is what they're for. Look at online resources like 80,000 Hours and the BLS's Occupational Outlook Handbook for information on which jobs are increasing in demand and how much they pay.
Make sure you are considering whether you're a good fit for a given field, not just how much it pays - there's no point in wasting money and time on a degree in a field you can't stand to work in.