deathbychocolate in  
Testing (SDET)  

I was fired from a startup 1 month before Christmas. What are your thoughts on London or Paris?

Some context about me.

Me and my coworkers (4 total) were fired from a ~35 person data oriented startup in Ireland/Spain due to lack of clients. I have worked with a lot of good tech and learned a lot. I have 5 years experience total. 2 years with cloud (AWS) and have done work as QA with data ingestion pipelines but moved to Software Eng as QA is unbearable when everyone is against making changes. I am also an EU and Canadian citizen.

Here is what I know about London.

It is a Fintech centre. Companies like Revolut are headquartered there. But it is one of the most expensive cities in the world.

Here is what I know about Paris.

It is a minor fintech center. But it is in the EU and is very close and very well connected with other tech centers in the EU.

So my questions are:
- Do you believe I have what it takes to get a job in London?
- Does anyone from London have any advice on the types of jobs there in the Tech sector?
- How is Paris in comparison?
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undertoneSoftware Engineer  
London seems to be much more of a center, and despite the higher cost of living, compensation probably matches the high cost. Whereas in Paris, the pay is much lower. has the median engineer pay as double in London. London also has much more of a scene for fintech, but Paris definitely has a small budding social / consumer startup scene. The culture is definitely different. Personally I'd go to London as I see more room for growth and exploration. And also just more opportunities overall. You should definitely be able to land a role with your level of experience. You just have to hit the job board and start applying.




