19g616l41ng6gs in  
Backend Software Engineer  

Can I reach 50LPA?

I have 7.5 YOE in backend development. Currently working with .NET Golang & AWS primarily. I draw close to 20LPA (Indian Rupees) with a Permanent Remote Job. I kind of feel that I have reached the saturation point with the current company and would like to switch to some actual product company. Do you think that I can target 50LPA fixes? Do companies offer this kind of cash component? I am planning to get started with DSA and System Design Preps for a timeline of 4-6 months.

Any others who have taken similar paths? Suggestions please.

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coderbeanSoftware Engineer  
With 7+ experience, 40+ LPA is standard now with tier 2 product companies. FAANG may offer even 2x of this. Try to make go lang as primary programming language while brush up DSA and system design, you will get what you want. Good luck!




