Thinktankgeek in  
Product Manager  

Payments vs Digital (channels) Product Management

Hello everyone,

After a decade in finserv paid media, marketing and product training, I've recently transitioned into a Senior Product Manager role at a finserv startup, building GTM strategies and product training. 

I want to map out my career trajectory within product management and build a 5 year plan, and am looking for insights. I am particularly drawn to two domains: Digital Product Management and Payments. These areas intrigue me because of their dynamic nature and critical impact on consumer interactions.

For those of you who have navigated similar paths, I have a few questions:
1. How did you decide which area of product management to specialize in?
2. What factors should someone in my position consider when planning their career development?
3. Are there any resources or experiences you found invaluable in shaping your decision and skillset in these domains?

Thanks in advance! 
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platypusPMProduct Manager  
1. Although specialization is valuable be cautious of specializing too much. The higher you go in your career, the less the specifics tend to matter. Ex. it may be more about B2B vs B2C which are much larger categories 2. Management vs IC roles - Higher you go PM tends to shift to more stakeholder management, strategic planning etc. Consider aligning with long term career goals. 3. Mentors - have someone you can chat with on a reg basis about career.



Financial Services

