19g617l508wik4 in  
Software Engineer  

Software Engineer - New Grad > Software Engineer III

I was looking at a "Software Engineering III" position with a smaller tech company and they listed the salary range as $105,000 - $150,000.

Out of curiosity, I looked through their other listings and clicked "Software Engineer - New Grad" to see how the pay compared. I was shocked to see that salary was listed as $130,000 - $150,000.

So many places don't seem to place any value on experience. I've been passively looking for over a year, and everything I've found is either lower than I'm willing to accept (and often not much more than entry-level) or has requirements for very specific tech stacks.

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TBirdSoftware Engineer  
The tech stack is key to the business. What stack are you looking for out of curiosity?

Usually GlassDoor can provide true ranges based on people that worked there. Also note these are times of lower wages and fewer positions. It’s an employers market.



Software Engineer

