JMACert in
Why do software engineers make so much less in Europe?
Feel like the compensation can sometimes be 1/2 or even 1/3 the pay you get in the US. The engineer's capability is the same, the work is the same, its literally just a change of geography. Why is that?
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ABC123xyz987User Experience (UX)
I work at a FANG in the EU and was previously with them in the US. I make a 1/2 - 1/3 of what i made in the US. I work on same team, same long hours, exact same demands and responsibilities. I ask myself this low pay question every day. I suppose it’s because they can. However, here I have job protection. My team was hit hard by the layoffs and I still have my job thanks to EU labor laws. The healthcare is also wonderful. We never worry about the cost of medical care and with young kids it’s a relief. Those are 2 benefits I’m okay to trade for lower pay, but it’s still super low. Since inflation has shot up we feel it now where as before the salary seemed more in line with the cost of living.
MLE3760ML / AI
Which city are you located in? And which US city are you comparing against? From what I've seen, the difference between locations at FAANG are pretty well correlated with cost of living.