QlbX80 in
Financial Analyst
How to prep for Senior Data Scientist Interview at Microsoft?
Hey Community,
Got a loop round coming up at Microsoft. What are the suggestions, tips or best ways to prep for this kind of interview at Microsoft?
What topics should I expect? And how deep should I expect these questions to be?
I was told to expect business case questions applied to ML, but this is very opened ended and vague. I’m looking for more context or something more specific.
TC: $234K
YOE: ~2
#Microsoft #faang #techcareer #datascience
#meta #Google #airbnb #tech

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gru18y1Technical Recruiter
Congrats! Hope you crush it 🦾
Here are some q's to get your brain moving, not specific to msft:
1. Which of your data analytic techniques are you proudest of?
Highlights expertise and a commitment to skills development. Might be a good idea for you to list your top 5 strengths and be able to tell stories about how you leveraged them to achieve the results on your resume.
2. At what point would a data set be unusable?
Reveals data cleaning and analytical skills, plus the ability to avoid using a data set, when needed. These could be examples of how you fixed an issue or completely avoided one. Saving time, money, and resources is a HUGE benefit to any team.
3. Can you describe a time you developed capacity in a junior coworker?
Demonstrates mentoring and training skills, plus a commitment to fostering growth in others. As a Senior DS, I imagine you'll have some people development responsibilities either now or in the future.
QlbX80Financial Analyst
Thank you for sharing these questions.
Data Scientist