miCoc1hX7 in  
Backend Software Engineer  

Tech is not for introverted people.

People always say developers and engineers are introverted people and don't talk to anyone and I came into tech thinking that this would be the perfect role.

You guys lied. 😒

Meetings first thing in the morning. With our new remote team, as early at 7:30 AM!

This job requires so much social energy. I am drained and annoyed by it all. Even more so now that we are remote.

How many of you guys are introverts/extroverts? How are you surviving? I'm debating on going back into an office tbh because I felt like even though I wasn't interacting all the time, me BEING there and people seeing me was enough social time for other people to leave me alone. 😵‍💫

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milkywaymavenBackend Software Engineer  
Somehow the “non-tech” people convinced tech people that being extrovert is a good quality, and essential for team building

In reality, you can be an introvert and still be a team player.
Just do your job, get shit done and sign off !!




