Owen Murphy in  
Web Development (Front-End)  

Portfolio website to standout in applications?

Portofolio websites are very common among young professionals looking for a job in tech. People ouf of college or people looking to transition from another domain of work, not related to CS. 

I was looking to do the same to list my expeirence, previous work, and a little bit about my background (personal & work). This was in hopes to be able to standup out among applicants when applying for a job at big tech or trading firms as SWE.

However, I started to be unsure of how helpful it really was for someone like me, almost a year and a half at IBM as an application developer, considering that a lot of the projects people list in their website are small applications that really are not useful for enterprise applications but display some sort of competency in the world of coding.

Furthermore, a lot of my work that I have done for work has been for a client with which the repository and some of the details are confidential and not to be shared. Thus, i could really only share the overarching idea of the apllication and tools used and none of the actual work such as the repository or the application built. 

My question then for you guys is, do you think a portofolio website would help someone in my situation standout consdering the facts aforementioned? If not, what do you as a more experienced or senior SWE / Solutions Architect or PM / PO do to standout when applying for jobs? 

If yes, what do you normally include considering you are experienced and listing college work is pointless (unless actually useful/important)?

Last question, what are some other ways for someone like me to standout in job applications among other candidates, consdering my experience, and background? 
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If you make a portfolio website, just remember now it is not just your portfolio, but also your website design, etc skills being judged. Are you a great webdev? If not, maybe usegithub etc to showcase your personal projects
owenmurphy2022Web Development (Front-End)  
I would consider myself an above average webdev as I primarily work in React/TS & GraphQL.

And as I mentioned above, I have no personal work as it is protected by my company’s IP policy.




