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Software Engineer  

Optimal job (Pareto front) of compensation and stress

I have worked in 2 industries as software engineer and quant developer. One had lower compensation and lower risk and the other has high compensation but very high stress (working 10-11 hours a day and constantly being worried some system might fail).
What are your toughts on the optimal job/sector?
Of course many jobs that pay high, also have higher responsibilities, but the proportions are not the same for every job. Which job or sector do you think has it optimal. High enough compensation (no need for super high compensation) and low enough risk and stress. 

I'm trying to help my mental health. I can't bear constant stress and hostile work and on the other hand I can't go with lower salary because I would feel like I did not use my potential.

I know this is very general question but I learnt these question sometime have some rule-of-thumb-like answers.
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madscienceSoftware Engineer  
This is a super personal question and something you'll have to really think about as a priority to you. There are definitely some well-paying jobs that are not as stressful, but if your goals are to have an ultra-high paying job with minimal stress, there's not likely to be much that'll align with that. I would really think about whether or not a lower salary makes sense for you. I've taken upwards of a 20% paycut just to join a less stressful role and it ended up working out much better for me in the long term. With a better mental state, I've been able to make due with less money, and learn more applicable skills and find more enjoyment in my work.




