Advice for Breaking into Field / Getting First Internship
Hi all! Wondering if you all have any tips for finding the first internship and choosing what internships to apply for. I'm especially interested in working for startups but this would be my first internship so I am a bit nervous about the prospect.
I am currently using, Indeed, and Ripplematch to try to find something. I am getting horrible results with Linkedin Search (i.e. showing unrelated jobs, phd/graduate internships, jobs with 5+ years of experience required, etc.). I only use it to try to reach out to recruiters or get referrals.
I am career switching from working as a business analyst and have enrolled part time in an online post bacc undergrad degree CS at Oregon State University. I have a degree in economics from UChicago and am debating going back to school in person at UChicago for a CS Masters due to the weak tech economy at the moment. Alternatively, I might do an online Masters at UT Austin (Data Science or AI) or Georgia Tech (CS) to try to keep earning an income while going to school.
Thanks in advance for any advice!