minokazu in  
Software Engineer  

FAANG salaries in EU

TL;DR: I am wondering if it's worth aiming for FAANG companies for salary purposes in the EU.


I have 5 years of experience as a Java (mainly Spring) developer. My current salary is $60,000, and I am working towards a promotion that will bring it up to $72,000. I am considering joining the outtalent.com program to prepare myself for FAANG interviews, but they take 10% of your base salary for 2 years as payment. I am not sure if it will be profitable for me, as from what I can see, FAANG EU salaries aren't significantly higher compared to other companies.

Therefore, I would like to ask for your opinion on the matter. Perhaps it is a better long-term option than just sticking to Java jobs?

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SDEGuySoftware Engineer  
You don’t need to join any program and sacrifice your salary. There are already lots of free information available on YouTube for how to get prepared for FAANG interviews. And ofc Leetcode should be sufficient
minokazuSoftware Engineer  
LeetCode part is the most straight forward for me. I am more worried about system design and hr parts. I am considering this program because it will simply be easier than gathering all of the information and learning on my own. Plus they help you with referrals.




