19g616kymfu3vm in  
Software Engineer  

RSU grants at Google?

I know levels.fyi literally provides this exact information, but my manager is skeptical of the numbers available here. Can anyone working at Google confirm that the RSU grants are indeed yearly and not, say, one-offs such as when you get hired or when you get promoted or something? Can you e.g. share the last three years of RSU grants?

I'm at principal/distinguished level, so numbers from similarly leveled SDE's will make the most compelling argument, but really any longitudinal data points would be helpful.

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EYEDEETENTANGOSoftware Engineer at Nvidia 
I’ve worked at Google, Apple, and Nvidia, and some smaller companies. The way this works is similar at all of the large companies to my knowledge, across levels (the only difference is the amounts each level gets.)

I’m a senior level engineer, not staff.

On hire, you’ll get a grant. My most recent hire grant was worth 150k/year, vested over 4 years for a total of 600k granted.

In the two years since my hire, I’ve gotten two “refreshers” which are roughly 1/4 of my initial grant’s value. (Slightly higher each time but close enough.). These also vest on a four year schedule.

The idea is that by the time you hit your 4 year point, you’ve gotten 4 refreshers each worth 1/4 of your initial grant.

The TC technically doesn’t change as a result.

Stock value will change it, however, as well as any promotions you earn along the way.

I currently earn a bit more 400k/year on paper, and a great deal more than that because of stock value appreciation since my hire.
EYEDEETENTANGOSoftware Engineer  
I should also say that the amount of your refresher is affected by your ongoing performance, but that you should generally expect to keep making the same TC if you’re doing your basic job.



Software Engineer

