peakyleveler in
Software Engineering Manager
Anyone successfully switched from an Engineering Manager to AI/ML engineer?
I understand the path to get into AI/ML is the same irrespective of the background. That is, build strong foundation in relevant math (Linear algebra, calculus, probability etc), work on creating a portfolio of projects etc. Just curious if anyone who was a manager has successfully gone this path and anything they would like to share?
Last I tried to do this was in 2020 and very early on in my process I was told by real experienced recruiters that I will have an uphill battle as companies would question why I would want to switch from leader to IC (instead of other way round) so I dropped that path and regret it. Would like to revive that thought and looking for some hope.

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JulioGulioSoftware Engineering Manager
I have had many colleagues transition from management back to IC with no issues. I don't think your recruiter was necessarily wrong, but moving from IC to Leadership isn't as common today as it was back then. It's a matter of where you want to put your energy and your interest. If you care about going back to IC then doing more of the engineering/technical work and less of the management, then you should just go for it.