Corbin in  
Economics at Elon University 

Relevant Classes on Resume?

Hi all,

I am a current fourth at Elon University getting my MS in Business Analytics and BSBA in Economics concurrently (I have a 4.0 and 3.93 GPA respectively will graduate this spring). I have been struggling to make it past the initial resume review when applying for a job (entry level business analytics positions or similar). I have two summers of relevant internship experience. However, I was wondering for my relevant courses, if I should elaborate more like I would for a job position. Doing so could potential get me past the Ai scanners that seem to dislike me. Thoughts? I'll Attach my resume, any suggestions would be appreciated! (Sry that this isn't really tech related this is the biggest community by far)


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Level89Data Engineer  
There could be more to this but here's my suggestion-
1. The beginning of the resume should only be relevant to the job you're applying. Move the other things down in volunteer section.
2. Your volunteer section is bigger than your technical knowledge section. Boost up the technology part and reduce the volunteer. You can potentially use projects/ assignments that you completed and explain individual project in 1-2 sentences.
3. Have a section for skills your already have(at the bottom) and highlight it up to.
CorbinEconomics at Elon University 
Amazing, thank you! I appreciate the tips, I'll be sure to implement them!




