wtrmelon1 in  

Allow a Counter or Not?

I just accepted an offer for 75% higher than my current role (with additional upside for performance).

I need to give my notice ASAP, but I want to indicate that I'd be open to a counter without appearing as if I'm holding my company hostage. We have a number of very large projects about to start so the timing isn't great.

  1. What are everyone's thoughts on how to handle this?
  2. Is accepting a counter risky? I want to avoid future issues (will they hate me or get rid of my down the road if I put them in this position now?).
  3. What if they counter but can't come close? Is it better to just cut my losses and leave?
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nrwinnerSoftware Engineer  
Imho, your company countering with something as big as a 75% increase means they haven’t been paying you CLOSE to what you’re worth this whole time, despite having those funds available. I’d personally give notice and head out. Congrats on the new offer!
You’re right. Over the last year I’ve been promoted, started managing multiple people, and have begun managing the largest digital marketing budget in company history — and my pay and title have stayed completely flat since I was brought on as an IC.




