omkarghetiya in  
Biology at Florida Atlantic University 

Need Help With Career Change

Hey everyone my name is Omkar. I am currently doing my bachelors in biological science (Biology) and it is my fourth year and i am supposed to graduate in 2 semesters. I have realized that i am actually not enjoying this major and i want to get into tech. Specifically into software engineering. Now i dont have any background of coding or anything related to computer science or engineering. My dream or goal is to get into the top tech companies which a lot of the people call as (FAANG). I need a guidance or a path on how i should do it and become an software engineer and crack into top tech. I have already spent a lot of money in my bio degree and im also from a poor family background. I cant spend money again on a another degree and i also dont have time to do a four year degree again. Can anyone please guide me what would be the best thing i could do and please is there someone who transitioned from biology (medicine) to software enginnering please connect with me.

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madscienceSoftware Engineer  
There are a lot of free resources online to learn and get into coding, it's definitely possible to self teach and get into a tech company, but that's going to be a long road and you should be prepared for the commitment. You'll not only need to learn the coding and all the concepts around that, but you'll also need to build your own projects and portfolio to showcase your skills and make the case for companies to hire you. Keep in mind that, currently, it's not a friendly market for new grad/entry level software engineers. That could change by the time you are ready to apply, but you may also still be competing with a ton of other entry level engineers. This is not meant to discourage you, but to tell you the reality of entry level jobs in tech right now.




