19g615l1duasi6 in  
Computer Science at The University of Texas at Arlington 

Can anyone provide a referral for jr or entry level roles ?

I am graduating in May 2023 but having hard time getting interviews.

I am a Master's in computer science  student at UTA. I have done software internship in last summer at Fortune500 company. And I have 2 years of DevOps exp in docker, kubernetes, CICD, aws, azure cloud.

I am an international student so I can apply to only Big Tech companies who provide visa.

Please provide a referral for SWE or SDE or DevOps roles. Thank you!
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UEmployedSoftware Engineer  
It's just a bad time for entry level candidates. As another entry level candidate, applied numerous prestigious companies via referral, only got interview from one of em. My resume is just fine, it's the job market. Keep applying and don't stress yourself too much since you can't change the condition of the market yourself. You will got it hopefully.
19g615l1duasi6Computer Science at The University of Texas at Arlington 
Thank you



Software Engineer

