Everyone knows what Data Structure is, but fail to understand how it is used in the real world system design.
Hence, Let's talk about how to effectively use data structures in System Design.
I just dropped a new video on my channel where I break down the ins and outs of choosing the right data structures for various system designs.
From social networks to e-commerce, compilers to operating systems, I've covered 10 real-world case studies to show you how the pros do it. Plus, tips on what NOT to do to avoid common pitfalls.
These are systems designs we discuss:
1: Social Network Connections
2: Search Engine Indexing
3: Online Gaming Leaderboard
4: E-commerce Inventory Management
5: Compiler Syntax Checking
6: Network Packet Buffering
7: Undo Functionality in Software
8: File System Navigation
9: Auto-complete Suggestions
10: Memory Allocation in Operating Systems