awayairer in
Product Manager
Upcoming interview for a Senior Product Manager role at Amazon
I have an interview with Amazon for Sr. PM, any tips on how to prepare?
I have around a week and a half before I have a first phone screen with a recruiter.
I have been casing on and off with a few people for a while now.
I also need an advice on how to address that I am not longer working at one startup I had on my resume when I applied to Amazon a few weeks ago. I quit that job within couple days after I sent out my application and also I was in that startup only a few months. I quit to focus on my own startup, plus that startup was not paying much.
Any tips?

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beerusgokugohanProduct Manager
Write on a board or make a doc on your top 6-8 programs you have delivered. Write the high level summary, metrics, impact etc and then practice STAR format for all the usual behavioral questions(successful project, failure, leadership disagreement etc) and you should be good. Your answers should incorporate the leadership principles. If they are asking you repeated clarifying questions then they are looking for a leadership signal, so over index on that principle once you get the hint. HR round will only gloss over high level details and won’t ask detailed scenario based questions. Good luck.