porlahomoj in  

Importance of big name company? Deciding between two DevOps offers

I'm 26 with ~5 years experience in Linux SysAdmin and DevOps roles. I have one DevOps Engineer offer and I'm expecting another shortly in the DMV area. My mind is mostly made up but I would appreciate your input as a sanity check.

These are the main tradeoffs between the two offers.

Offer 1:

  • Publicly traded, well-respected, non-FAANG tech company
  • $140K (Expected)
  • No WFH allowed on this contract

Offer 2:

  • Mid-size gov contractor
  • $130K (Negotiated offer in hand)
  • 90% remote

Both roles offer the same benefits, intelligent and competent coworkers, and work on modern tech stacks (big issue in gov contracting world).

I feel ready to accept offer #2 for two main reasons:

  • $10K/year is not worth the QoL hit that comes with 5 days/week in the office.
  • It seems to me that in the tech world having a big name company on your resume isn't as big of a deal compared to business roles. I have no companies on my resume that are remotely close to recognizable yet Offer 1's company reached out to me, and I made it to the final round of interviews at Amazon for a security role without much security experience.

Is turning down offer 1 a bad idea? Are there any other aspects I should be considering?

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madscienceSoftware Engineer  
I would agree with you that having a big name on your resume is a lot less relevant today than it was in the past. If you're getting all the same professional benefits of being able to work on modern tech stack, solid co-workers, good growth, then choose whatever your first instinct is. Coming from a FAANG company doesn't inherently mean that you're qualified anymore and I've seen tons of people with FAANG experience get turned down for jobs over people with more startup experience.




