Fisch in  

Qualifications for AI Engineer

Just a little bit of my background: I have just finished my second year bsc in Data Science, have done a project on image classification on medical images but no satisfactory results. I have finished a course on DL in computer vision. And I didn't have any experience to show my ability to work with people. My ultimate target is to work in developing new algorithms in companies like OpenAI, DeepMind, but for the short-term, I think I have to at least get some work experience/internship cuz I didn't get an internship this summer, so I'm a little bit worried.

I'd like to know what are the requirements/qualifications to land a job in AI Engineer possibly in Computer Vision with a bachelor degree?

Also, I'd like to ask will it be helpful if I also take courses in GNN/NLP/Deep RL?

One more question: should I be more picky of internship, or should I just apply every job that is related to IT? I didn't find many AI internship. 



Data Scientist

