19g6vl0jw7zym in
List of companies to target
Hello Wise People,
I am making a list of companies that are stellar for women to work at. Add a company you have loved being apart of and why.?
Bonus points if you answers are focused on product roles / groups!
Upwatds of 600 views and inly 2-3 replies :). Chime in folks!
Thank you
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19g6vl28d10siSecurity Software Engineer at Shipt
Shipt. They focus on diversity, have an amazing culture, and understand that people are hired for what they can achieve—not what they have already achieved. A large portion of the staff is women and the culture thrives on this fact. Everyone can learn, grow, and achieve here, regardless of gender, race, or sexuality. And they’re born out of Alabama—so odd. They’re also now owned by Target.
19g6vl28d10siSecurity Software Engineer at Shipt
Plus the pay and benefits are right in line with many tech companies.
Product Manager