19g6vl1p98wuu in  
Data Science  

AWS Solutions Architect

Hi all,
I want to ask about experiences with the AWS Solutions architect role and more specifically about the associate program 'Tech U' which is like an on the job training for recent grads.
I'm graduating from a mathematics masters which heavily focuses on data science and while I'm pretty good with the scientific part of the work I feel like I lack the corresponding 'hard tech' skills which I hope to acquire from that program. I have some experience working with AWS and currently pursue the Cloud practitioner certification from them. However I'm unsure if the knowledge from solutions architect is really what I should develop in this point of my career. 
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Bigmatt159DevOps Engineer  
would stay away unless you like heavy selling. It's almost entirely a pre-sales role with 2-4 clients a week. You wont get "hard tech" skills as much as "Aws service exposure" so if thats what you're going for then its a good fit. - You dont need the CP, it'll be part of the onboarding to get it



Software Engineer

