KickGoatsZoup in  
Data Analyst  

MBA Grad Looking to Apply Degree

Are there any other semi-newly minted MBA (concentration in business analysis and business intelligence) Grads having difficulty finding a suitable position? 

A little bit of background: obtained my degree from a local university back in May 2020. I am currently working (about 1 year into a Data Analyst position) previous to that have 2 years of supervisory helpdesk exp and 7 years of tiered helpdesk support.
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ItsSargeEconomics at Elon University 
What do you mean by suitable? Applies your degree? Pays well? You enjoy? Vertical growth?Or do you mean you can’t get interviews/pass the interview?
KickGoatsZoupData Analyst  
Glad you asked I’m talking about positions that apply to the degree, pays well (I’m thinking like 100k+) whether I even get to the interview is another story I suppose.



Business Analyst

