Vaushite in  


Vue Experience Worth Having?

l already have a year of professional react experience, and I'm rotating onto a new team and have the choice of a few different projects. Many of them are in React, but the manager I by far like the most and the project that most excites me is in Vue and Electron, making a desktop app that will be standard installation on 70K+ computers in the company. So I would end up getting very significant and impressive Vue experience. My only hesitancy in choosing this role over the others is worry Vue experience won't be as valuable, or recruiters will see only 1 year of React and dismiss me out of hand for any React based jobs in future. I of course know that these skills are very transferrable and the important part is fundamentals, but recruiters don't necessarily. Should I be worried, or should I just go ahead and take the job I want on the team I want as more important?


20 participants

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madscienceSoftware Engineer  
Take the Vue job. If your manager is good, they'll be able to help ensure you have transferrable skills for the future and not get boxed in.



Software Engineer

