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Part time Amazon SDEs?

I'm thinking of going part time. I have a disability which makes full time work difficult and stressful but not impossible.

I want to know if anyone is an SDE at Amazon and works part time.

Various jurisdictions protect an employee's right to request a change to part-time and have it considered by their employer. Approval seems discretionary for the employer (at least where I'm from), although employers are expected to have a valid business reason.

So I'm wondering if any Amazon engineers have successfully moved to part time,
Ā (or had their request rejected).

Under what grounds did you request the change? What was the outcome? Any tips for me?
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ImpurestCrayonSoftware EngineerĀ Ā 
My disability makes full time nearly impossible too. I am about to do this šŸ¤ž I did a work from home claim and I got approved earlier this year. Iā€™m considering going to a new team instead of asking my current team. That way the expectations start where I am, instead of lower to what I have to offer. Good luck šŸ€
Thanks for sharing! Let me know if you apply before I do and they sack you for it, that will be useful to know šŸ˜‚

Just kidding but if you do have an update Iā€™ll be interested to know how it works out!

Iā€™m also WFH, but I applied for that at a time when it was a lot easier to get such requests through. I didnā€™t need to use my disability to justify it.

If youā€™re comfortable sharing a bit more - even in vague terms:

Whatā€™s the nature of your disability (no need to be so specific you identify yourself, but does it primarily affect your mobility, your learning, ability to focus, general mental health, etc)?

Are you very experienced / tenured / critical to your team?

Are you based in the US, or in a place where workers have rights? I know some other counties have smaller Amazon populations, so again, no need to be too specific if you want to protect anonymity.




