Kyle Essenmacher in  
iOS Engineer  

Anyone in tech in financial services able to snag a fully remote role?

Had 3 rounds wirh fidelity for ios dev role. They want you on site in 3-6 months in a shitty high col fidi district on some coast city. 

I like to test the waters with recruiters at places like DB and wells fargo to see if the recruiters are offering remote or if they're playing hardball. And sadly a lot of them are playing hardball like this DB one in the pic attached. I also know citi bank is damn desperate to get ios devs in texas and nobody is moving lol. The recruiters are snapping at me hahahah.
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Meoiznaloeb9Software Engineer  
That response was weird. Don’t see why you’d talk that way to a recruiter who’s doing their job. Probably best for all parties that you didn’t want to move. Keep that awful energy wherever you are.
19g6vl27sqrb6iOS Engineer  
Bruh— my resume explicitly says on the top of it now “don’t call me for roles that aren’t remote” and guess how many recruiters called/emailed/texted me today alone for roles in Texas.

Please fucking guess



Software Engineer

