kalos45 in  
Technical Project Manager  

Remote roles from Glasgow Scotland?

Hello, I am a software engineer with 7 years of experience. Past 2 years I have been a scrum master and project lead for a  significant transformation programme in JPMORGAN. I am based in Glasgow and due to family commitments I can't really move but I want to grow as a professional and feel a bit limited at what I can do from here. There is a massive presence in Glasgow from big finance like JPMC, Barclays, Morgan Stanley but what else is there. I would love at some point to work for more forward looking companies like Microsoft or Google. Finance is an interesting field but for all the boasting we are not really that innovative or tech heavy and also I feel the product and the technology, at least in many places don't go hand in hand and there is tones of unnecessary political posing an less actual impressive products commercially or technically.
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gj801ijnYFwFull-Stack Software Engineer  
What about Lloyds and NatWest? Are you only looking at banking or open to finance in general? Companies like Soar might be worth looking at.
kalos45Technical Project Manager  
Finance is not my target really, I think what I want is an org/company where technology and product are better tied together with less red tape and ideally I don't want to take a paycut 🙂 e.g. Microsoft and Google sound like that with decent culture. I have no idea if remote is a proper option thus asking for people's experience here




