Ytrewq in  
Product Manager  

Job Market: it been crazy

I got terminated two months ago from my job for reason "cost efficiency ". I have been applying to product roles and its been weird journey so far.

I apply to jobs and amount of rejection is crazy, or I get messages they hired someone already, i get i to interview cycle and no follow up.

Im honestly disappointed and bit scared of when is the possibility for me to get the job.
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WargraveSolution Architect  
The job market is crazy because there have been over 140k IT workers laid off since the beginning of this year. You have a lot of senior people applying for roles against more junior candidates and the junior candidates have a slim chance of getting those roles, their only competitive advantage is lower salary. Also, if you read the news, companies are trending on hiring older folks for roles where in the past ageism may have played a bigger impact at start-ups for example. Largely this is due to the fact that the older workers are the ones that were around to build the internet in the 90’s and early 2000’s. Also, work ethics for Gen X are different than the current Millennials.




