Abc123xyZ in
Thinking of moving from Software Engineer to PM role.
I started off my career as a Test Engineer and slowly transationed into Software Engineer. Now I'm thinking of transationing into a Project Management / Product Management role. What are your thought and/or experiance with this?
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Software Engineer
1) SWE for a decade: respectful and all roads were leading to Engineering team (planning, vacation etc)
2) PM / SDM: had to BS about ppl performance and I felt disgusted but management wanted me to make feel bad, guess what I quit.
3) Test Engineer: That’s what I am doing now, it’s pretty laidback but off late demands have increased a lot and so the expectations, plus no respect at all it’s a dumpster.
So my 2 CEnts don’t leave SWE role, I still regret it though.