jacksonjames88 in  

Do you feel the market for front end engineers is over-saturated?

I ask as my 2023 interview experiences were pretty awful, and through it + speaking with others, it seems like an over-saturated market. Likewise, I'm thinking of diversifying to be more full-stack so that I have more market-ability (now employed).

I know that there will always be a market for people who do their jobs well, and 2023 was indeed a perfect storm, but what are your thoughts on the above?

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gigsterSoftware Engineer  
Everyone's been shitting on frontend since it started. I think only special unicorns who are especially talented at Frontend should do frontend. It's a specialization that has a good market for the right fitting person in high end application development use cases. Being frontend focused doesn't excuse one from being full stack capable, though. You should have built some full stack systems and apps before going into frontend, I think.

Web isn't going away. People saying frontend is over don't know or want to understand the changing web environment or demand.




